Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Goal Setting

Importance of Goal setting

In the first class of POM, I was expecting it to be more formal and less interactive; however Dr. Mandi had something different in his mind. He is one professor who is enthusiastic, energetic and intends to do things differently. He introduced few concepts like “AAJ KI ROTI AAJ KAMANA HAI” and “SOCHO BECHO,BECHO SEKHO, SEEKHO SOCHO” , though the slogans seems to be simple but they have a psychological effect on the individual.

It has helped me to answer the question: What after MBA?

An individual having a MBA degree has mainly two options in front of him namely:
1.       Entrepreneur
2.       Manager
An entrepreneur is a person who is motivated to satisfy a high need for achievement in innovative and creative activities. He is a great motivator to start his new business and manage it successively. He is the investor and takes risk in the enterprise. He perceives and exploits opportunity and works for his satisfaction to get positive results, whereas a manager (Professional Manager) takes care of the general functions of running an organisation such as strategic planning, operation planning, organising the resources, staffing, coordination, motivation and controlling work of the organisation.

Normally a professional manager acquires such knowledge through formal education and training. He has to work within the policy framework set by the entrepreneurs (owners) of the organisation.
The answer to this question depends on the mindset of each individual. He can choose any one of the above mentioned options.

Now if a person selects option 1, another question which comes to my mind is why not to start your company while studying management?

I feel it is a good time to start your company while studying as you can transform your knowledge into practical implementation. Management course is of no use until you apply it in real life situations.The risk factor is also less as you have a big bunch of students and faculty members who can help you in different aspects of entrepreneurship.

My understanding is:
Start following your dreams, before someone hires you to fulfill his dreams.

How to set Effective Goals?
Tower Building Exercise:
In this task the students were asked to set the goal for tower height which we feel we can build of multiple small cubes.
The intricate part was that there will be a team of 3, out of them 1 will build the tower using his odd hand and also blind folded, and the other two will help him to build the tower.
This activity allowed us to set SMART goals and most of the people set the target in between 12-20 cubes.

Hence the final target set by the 3 students was 15.

From the activity points worth mentioning are:
1.      The goal set by them was based on SMART goals concept as Dr. Mandi stated the last year’s tower height which was 17.
2.      The role of employee or the student who was building the tower was to stay focused and concentrate on his activities, on the other hand the role of the managers or the student guiding was to keep motivating him.
3.      The strategies to build the tower were decided by the managers and employee was asked to follow it.
For eg: As the manager found out that his hand starts paining while it is in the air, so he asked the employee to drag the cube along the table.
4.      Finally the task in hand was completed successfully and they were able to achieve more than the target set by them. It shows that impossible is nothing if your goals are well defined.

What is the importance of goal setting?

1.      First, imagine that you live your life without purposes. How will you live your life? You will be ordinary, thus, you will live a mediocre life. If you don’t have a goal today, you’re just like a lost sheep and you are dangling in nowhere. You wake up every day without purposes or reasons. You live your life meaningless and you will waste your life. However, with a clear and specific goal, it will serve as a clear destination for where you are heading, giving your purpose to live on.

2.      The second importance of goal setting is that it will help you to stay focused in getting what you want in your life. Many people know what they want to achieve but they just don’t do something to make their dreams come true. However, with a clear goal in your mind, you will remind yourself of what you want to achieve in your life and hence, it will direct you in the right direction. This is why successful people are able to achieve what they want lightning fast, because they are focused.

3.      The third importance of goal setting is that; it will help you to overcome procrastination. By writing down what you want to achieve, you are actually putting commitment into making it comes true. The real key in doing this is to keep reminding yourself about what you want in your life. You want to sink the idea of achieving your goals into your subconscious mind so that you will motivate yourself into taking massive amount of action all the time.

4.      The fourth importance is that you can have a self-evaluation at the end of your task. Many companies have made it a mandate for the employees to have goal setting at the start of the year and based on that the companies will be able to evaluate the performance of the employee.


  1. Good one rahul ....:) keep learning management funde and keep delighting ..:)Nice way to explain complex management rules..... :)

  2. Thanks for the encouragement

  3. Very nice article Rahul...really helpful :)
    Keep up the good work :)
